「信使」-TAV & TOKAS 15周年交流紀念展 - HANASAKI Kaya | 花崎 草


「信使」-TAV & TOKAS 15周年交流紀念展

– Next Exhibition / 展覧会出展のお知らせ – 

台湾・台北の台北國際藝術村で開催されるグループ展「信使」-TAV & TOKAS 15周年交流紀念展に参加いたします✉️💫 本日、日本時間16時から下記のリンクでオープニングレセプションの中継もあるそうです😊 2015年にTAVとTOKASのレジデンスプログラムで制作した出展作品《My Home, Our Treasure》についてのコメントをビデオレターで送ったので、お時間許す方は是非中継をご覧ください🙏 https://fb.me/e/1TE3apIYO

I’m pleased to announce that I am exhibiting my work at the group exhibition  “Messengers” – TAV & TOKAS 15th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition at TAV✉️💫. There will be a live stream of the opening reception today at 15:00 (Taiwan) / 16:00 (Japan Time) on the following link 😊 I have sent a video letter commenting on the exhibited work 《My Home, Our Treasure》 that I created in 2015 as part of the TAV and TOKAS residency program 🙏 https://fb.me/e/1TE3apIYO 

「信使」-TAV&TOKAS 15周年交流紀念展 Messengers: TAV & TOKAS 15th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition TAV(台北國際藝術村)和TOKAS(Tokyo Arts and Space, 更名前為Tokyo Wonder Site)自2008年起相互引薦兩地藝術家出訪交流,成為維繫兩城市長年情誼的重要計畫,至今總計有29位臺日藝術家分別體驗了異地創作時光。 「信使」,是指擔任某項使命或傳遞消息的溝通角色。藝術家帶著各自對藝術的體悟及認識,來到臺北與東京這兩個國際都市,藉著藝術「信息」帶來新的創作養分。在合作交流15周年之際,由當年第一位赴日駐村的策展人吳達坤擔任此次展覽顧問,邀請四組共六位臺、日藝術家參與展出之外,也規劃「魚雁計畫」—廣邀15年來參與TAV跟TOKAS交流計畫的藝術家與雙邊機構的代表以文字書信、圖像描述駐村與合作期間的心路轉變。

 TAV (Taipei Artist Village) and TOKAS (Tokyo Arts and Space, formerly Tokyo Wonder Site) have facilitated the artist exchange program since 2008. The project enabled the longstanding friendship and ongoing exchange between the two cities. In total 29 Japan and Taiwan artists have experienced the time of creation in a different place. The artists are like “messengers,” shouldering the responsibility of communication, traveling in the two international cities with their own experiences and understandings of art and receiving the nourishment of foreign culture. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the exchange program, we invited the first Taiwanese artist-in-residence at TOKAS – curator Wu Dar-Kuen to be the exhibition consultant, and four groups of artists who had joined this exchange program to present their works. Plus, “The Letter Project” invites artists who have attended the exchange project between TAV and TOKAS in the past 15 years and the representatives of the two institutions to portray the changes in their inner worlds through writing letters or images. 

 展期Exhibition Period|06.25(Sat.)-07.24(Sun.) (closed on Monday)
開放時間Open Time|11:00-18:00
開幕茶會 Opening Reception|06.25(Sat.)15:00 (線上同步直播physical & live stream)
展覽地點Venue|台北國際藝術村 百里廳 Barry Room, Taipei Artist Village
參展藝術家 Artists|荒川創也 ARAKAWA Soya ÷ 阿部乳坊 ABE Nyubo、張永達 CHANG Yung-Ta、花崎草 HANASAKI Kaya、中島伽耶子 NAKASHIMA Kayako + 李德茂 LEE Te-Mao 展覽顧問 Exhibition Consultant|吳達坤 WU Dar-Kuen
More info @taipeiartistvillage

